We hope you love your TSL products!

TSL’s products are guaranteed against any operation defect resulting from any material, manufacturing or designing defect subject to the following provisions. This warranty applies for 2 years after the delivery of the product. Replacement parts will be made available for 2 years.

Manufacturing defects are covered subject to normal maintenance and normal use (hiking / snowshoeing / yoonering).

The warranty shall not apply :
– If the product has been repaired or changed by buyer or third parties appointed by either of these latter.
– If it is for parts made by seller’s sub-contractors or suppliers, in which case the sub-contractor’s or supplier’s warranty applies.
– If the defective operation results from negligence or imprudence on buyer’s part.
– If the defective operation results from undue force or an outside factor.

To activate your guarantee for a TSL Outdoor NZ product, please send an email to janelle@tsloutdoor.co.nz with your purchase details – name, email, phone, product, date of purchase and place of purchase.

When a guaranteed defect is found by the buyer, buyer should send a request with the proof of purchase (invoice), to the seller, by mail or email (2/b Bills Way, Wanaka 9305) or  janelle@tsloutdoor.co.nz  with acknowledgement of receipt within 45 days of the date on which the defect was found.

If you bought your product from one of our retailers, take it back to that shop with your proof of purchase within a maximum of two years. The retailer will contact TSL Outdoor NZ for repairs if the product cannot by repaired in-store. Under the warranty the seller will replace any part found to be defective by his technical department, free of charge and promptly.

Caring for your products
We recommend that you dry your equipment before storing it in a completely dry place after each use.



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