A quick and orderly response to an avalanche and a search is vital for saving precious time and precious people. (perhaps even your family, friends or fellow-mountain and nature lovers.)

TSL Rescue Division produces an Avalanche bag/kit – tested and designed by the French / Italian mountain gendermerie (police) in  response to Avalanche rescue demands.


This kit is not just a big “backpack” with flags and bits and pieces.It is an orderly, well-kitted equipment and search process that mountains can adopt for their rescue procedure.  It’s an 11kg backpack filled with clear and visible vests, flags, and other important search indicators to narrow down the search as quickly as possible for the fastest and best success and in alignment with the International Alpine Rescue Committee norms. (CISA)



There is also a secondary kit (just 3.1kg) to enhance your search should it be large, or to add to your primary search.

Video from TSL Rescue France

Enquiries to TSL Outdoor NZ 


We are proud sponsors of Aspiring Avalanche Dogs based here in Wanaka. What better way to align our biz with a fabulous group of dedicated souls (humans and dogs!)

Please support this volunteer organisation, and Matt Gunn is a great person to be in contact with should you wish to donate money/product/sponsorship, but also in regards to his avalanche expertise,  know-how and education programmes should you as a mountain or search and rescue team want to contact him.


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